
  • TryHackMe - Advent of Cyber 2 Part 4

    TryHackMe room write-up: Advent of Cyber 2 (days 20 - end: Blue Teaming and Finale ) Is that the finish line in sight?? Day 20: PowershELlf to the rescue Oh hey theres actually (potentially) more scripting since we are taking a look at powershell today. I hadn’t really touched powershell...

  • TryHackMe - Advent of Cyber 2 Part 3

    TryHackMe room write-up: Advent of Cyber 2 (days 13 - 19: Topic Variety Pack! ) Day 13: Coal For Christmas This days challenge was a special room created by John Hammond. I recommend you go check out his youtube channel if you haven’t, he has a lot of insightful content...

  • TryHackMe - Advent of Cyber 2 Part 2

    TryHackMe room write-up: Advent of Cyber 2 (days 7 - 12: Networking ) The second topic for this most recent Advent of Cyber is networking. Let’s open up wireshark and start with some analysis! Day 7: The Grinch Really Did Steal Christmas This day’s educational content walks through some good...