
  • TryHackMe - Advent of Cyber 2 Part 1

    TryHackMe room write-up: Advent of Cyber 2 (days 1 - 6: Web Explotation ) Well this is the second time that I missed the Advent of Cyber event on TryHackMe, but that doesnt mean I can’t get prepared for the (hopefully upcoming) Advent of Cyber 3! I’ll seperate the daily...

  • TryHackMe - Bounty Hacker

    TryHackMe room write-up: Bounty hacker Before we roll over to the new year, I wanted to warm up with the TryHackMe room “Bounty Hacker” (The mid-west could be a little bit warmer right now). Let’s do our best impression of Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV and get to hacking....