
  • Dumping Router Firmware on TryHackMe

    Dumping router firmware and analysis The “Dumping Router Firmware” room on tryhackme is a great one, I’ve always been curious what the inner workings of networking equipment are and this was a great introduction firmware analysis. Everyday I get closer and closer to hardware, I wonder if y’all do the...

  • First HTB Machines

    Four days, Four easy machines on Hack the Box Over the past week, I’ve finally started working on the Hack the Box with some easy machines. Here are my notes: Machine 1: Keeper The Keeper box was the easiest of the four, I added an entry to /etc/hosts so keeper.htb...

  • Docker Notes

    Docker and containers It’s been over a year since I added any writings to this blog, so where have I been? Have I been meditating under a waterfall hoping that kubernetes makes sense all of a sudden? Nothing that admirable, I’ve just been studying for certs, working and trying to...